Pink Diamond Promotions’ “Daddy and Me” still confirmed for June 21
The Pink Diamond Promotions, founded by Warren Wilson, will be hosting its inaugural “Daddy & Me” sporting competition at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue on Father’s Day: June 21, 2020.
Tournament founder Warren Wilson
However, management of the competition has decided to keep a keen eye on the current COVID-19 pandemic, in order to know their next step going forward.
Updating Guyana Times Sport in this regard, Wilson said, “Well, we’re still holding on to the date as of now, but we are still paying close attention to the current affairs, especially how the country is dealing with COVID-19. I’ve spoken with the team and asked them to stay positive and stay safe during this time, and be ready to go double-time once things clear up.
“Things have basically come to a standstill as it is. Registration has stalled, and I guess (that) because of the current environment, sponsors have basically put us on hold,” Wilson confided.
Registration cost for participation in this competition has been set at $1000 per person, which, because participation has to involve a father and a son, reads as $2000 for a father- and-son team. Entrance fee for a spectator is $500, but children under 10 years old will be admitted without charge.
Wilson has explained that this competition takes the form of skills challenges, races, obstacle courses, and much more. Competition would be in the following categories: 7-11, 12-16, and 17 Open, as there will be the requisite challenges for the respective age ranges.
It is very necessary that teams entering the competition acquaint themselves with the rules governing same, and fathers are required to pass a physical test to ensure they are eligible to be in the competition, although the completion is open to all fathers.
All eligible participants must attend cardio and aerobics sessions which would be provided by the committee, and any antecedent health condition must be disclosed.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to debar participation of anyone deemed unfit.
Persons seeking further information can contact Warren Wilson on 627-2719, Kade Pearce on 620-0462, or Sophia on 685-6077. Registration forms can be uplifted from the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, the National Gymnasium, or Coach Scott at the GPF’s Eve Leary ground.