Home Letters PNC/APNU lawyers stirring up a storm in a teacup
Dear Editor,
The PNC/APNU Opposition could not find anything on which to attack the Government, and, as such, had to resort to saying that Tourism Minister the honourable Oneidge Waldron took her ministerial oath three days before she received the certificate of renunciation of her US nationality, and this puts her in the wrong, taking into account that PNC/APNU ministers and MPs were foreign nationals who served for years as ministers.
Harmon was an American national, and served as a minister for years, and would have continued to do so had not the PNC/APNU shot themselves in the foot by challenging Charrandas’s status. Harmon was badly affected.
The courts would certainly find no intention of wrongdoing committed by Walrond, and that her swearing in three days early was a technicality.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Validum