A Sergeant attached to the Anna Regina Police Station in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) has taken his own life after he reportedly ran over his reputed wife with his car at Riverstown, Essequibo Coast.

Roure Francis
The dead woman has been identified as 25-year-old Hannah Boston of Lima Sands, Essequibo Coast, while the Police rank was identified as Roure Francis.
Based on reports received, the woman’s mother turned up at the Police station and reported that the Sergeant was trying to kill her daughter.
Without hesitation, a team of Police ranks, including Commander Khemraj Shivbaran, proceeded to the location where the woman’s body was seen lying in a motionless state in a rice field in the area.
Upon inspection, there were several gaping wounds on her face. However, Francis was later found in an unconscious state in his motor car, a black Toyota Fielder bearing registration number PAB 8894, which was parked some 10 feet away from the woman’s body.