Policeman, mother charged for damage to property, wounding

A Policeman and his 53-year-old mother were on Monday charged for assaulting a father and son at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. The father and son were, however, crossed-charged for the offences of wounding and damage to property.
The four persons charged are David La Rose Snr, David La Rose Jnr, Dellon Thorne and Claudette Thorne, all of Lot 20 Independence Boulevard, Albouystown Georgetown.
The Court heard that on January 13, 2018 at Trench Road, Albouystown, Georgetown, the four persons unlawfully wounded each other.
LaRose Jnr was also charged with damaging a car windscreen valued $85,000, property of Dellon Thorne.
He was further charged for wounding Claudette Thorne at the Ruimveldt Police Station, and for using abusive language.
The 21-year-old was granted bail to the tune of $130,000 in total.
His father, a 51-year-old construction worker, was also charged for unlawfully wounding Claudette Thorne. He, like his son, denied the allegation and was granted bail in the sum of $40,000. The men are expected to return to Court on April 16 2018.
Dellon Thorne, a 25-year-old Police officer, was charged for damaging a car windscreen belonging to David LaRose Jnr, and valued at $55,000. He denied the allegation and was granted $120,000 bail.
His mother, Claudette, was charged with assault carried out at the Ruimveldt Police Station. She has denied the charge.
Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore had no objection to bail being granted the defendants, and it was granted in the sum of $20,000. The duo will reappear in court on April 16, 2018.
Moore revealed the facts of the matter, which disclosed that the four defendants all live in the same yard, but on the day in question, had an argument which escalated. Bricks pelted resulted in all of them receiving injuries. The matter was reported and they were all arrested and charged.