…and the PPP
There are few things more poignant than the anguished cries of the true believer when he discovers he was worshipping at the altar of false gods all along. And right now, the dark skies over Guyana are being rent by weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth at the revelation the WPA wasn’t consulted when President Granger selected their Co-Chair Rupert Roopnaraine to be Minister of Education.
And why was this the cause of so much angst, dear reader? Well, just that from its launch in 1974, the WPA had set itself up as the very model of political rectitude and propriety. Chock-full of PhD’s in a region where “Doctor Politics” reigned, they claimed the higher ground and even managed to suggest they weren’t even concerned about assuming power. They didn’t become a “political party” until 1979!
The present turmoil has its origin after the “free and fair” 1992 elections. The WPA, with its iconic leader Walter Rodney assassinated 12 years before, had contested, convinced it would win the elections. In a pre-election attempt at forming an Opposition coalition to take on the PNC, the WPA demanded more Ministries than the PPP!
After they were comprehensively wiped out, the PPP magnanimously offered the most crucial Finance Ministry to their Presidential Candidate Clive Thomas. Now you’d think that would be snapped up, wouldn’t you? But this was the WPA – which jumped on its high horse to announce, since Jagan hadn’t made the offer to the WPA but to its member – that member, Thomas, wasn’t allowed to take the offer!! Imagine that!!
Most observers believed that was one of the most critical misjudgments in the history of modern Guyana. It could’ve led to a snapping of the ethnic stranglehold on Guyana’s politics . Clive Thomas wasn’t a token. He could’ve staved off the attacks that were immediately launched by the PNC of “ethnic cleansing” …and which ended a decade later in “slow fyaah; mo’ fyaah”.
Fast forward to 2015. The question from the WPA faithful was why hadn’t the party raised the same objection they’d raised back in 1992 to the PPP?? Why a different rule for the PNC? What made the latter different. And the answer is very ugly, isn’t it?? It couldn’t have been ideological: back in 1992, Clive Thomas and the WPA were very open about their “socialist” ideology in common with the PPP.
It comes down to race, doesn’t it? After all, as part of its claim to be “different”, the WPA always criticised the ethnic-based PPP and PNC’s support.
…and the bannuhs
Basil Williams just denied that some e-mails circulating weren’t hacked from his account. Said the name on his account starts with a “small b” unlike the capitalised one on the mail. But even if that were true, why didn’t the folks to whom the mails were sent – all PNC big wigs (including Raphael Trotman) raise red flags since early May? Since when has the PNC been reticent about exposing claimed “dirty tricks” of the PPP?
Anyhow the mail to ex-COP Winston Felix – whose tapped phone conversation with Williams was also denied, right bannuh? – was most revealing: “Assure them boys that the Jagdeo third term thing not going anywhere. Cummings will slow it down here and some of our people talking to Judges. No fear CCJ is a black people thing.”
The other mail about changing unpopular policies just before 2020 isn’t surprising. Just the recruitment of the leader of one micro party, who suddenly acquired a doctorate.
And space in the Muckraker’s letter’ pages!!
…Shill style
The Shill lauded Trotman’s “feral blast” against Jagdeo in the hallowed halls of our Parliament! Not surprising for a graduate of Propaganda Press. But equating Trotman’s fisherwoman’s shrieks to the “political giants” of the past??
Boysie and Odo must be rolling in their graves!!