Positive things are happening in all 10 regions

Dear Editor,
The Aurora primary and nursery schools were recently built at a cost of about $120,000,000 followed quickly by the new building to house the Police Station that is soon to be commissioned. There are many sea defence projects in the Good Hope/Pomona Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC); likewise also the soon to be constructed stelling at Supenaam for the speed boats to moor. In addition, many streets are being upgraded, the street lights that is being installed is an illustration of the commitment the coalition Government – the A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change) have been making towards the development of the country.
From my reading and information gathered from the various newscasts and talking to people who reside in other regions, a lot of developmental work is taking place in their regions also. The subject Ministries, and by extension the Government, must be commended.
A lot has been done, but there is more to be done. We are certainly on our way, yes we are beginning to see that bright light at the end of the tunnel; irrespective of which side of the political divide you stand, you will have to agree that positive things are happening in all ten administrative regions of Guyana.

Archie W Cordis