Potential democracy awardees

Dear Editor,
International Day of Democracy was observed last Friday and the PPP/C party had much to rejoice about, much to the consternation and frustration of the PNC. The PPP/C Government was not installed on 5th August 2020 by anyone but was duly elected, legally and legitimately by the voice of the people, after a much-fought general election on 2nd March 2020 which they won by a majority of 33 seats. Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali was sworn in as President after a five-month delay by the PNC who attempted to rig the election by their manipulation and their members whom are alleged as contributing factors are currently in court. Notably, a CoI concluded earlier this year found the mischievous and blasphemous irritants guilty of breaching GECOM rules and regulations.
Democracy was under siege and the will of the people was being denied by a bunch of tyrants led by a sanctimonious gangster who wanted to retain power at any cost. But it was the diligence, strength and determination among other factors, from the joint effort and cooperation of the local, regional and international community, which was responsible for the PPP/C party to be rightfully elected as the winner to govern Guyana for the next five years. The PNC has a track record of successfully rigging elections but in 2020, all stakeholders were determined not to allow a reoccurrence and to fight them neck to neck so that only the party chosen by the majority of the people can win.
Today, the people of Guyana and the world at large can breathe a breath of fresh air and live peacefully and happily, knowing that the PPP/C party will not stifle democracy but will allow liberty, equality and fraternity to be the order of the day. Same can never be said of the PNC because hypocrisy is the foundation of their democracy and they never abide by any rules and regulations but rather, they break all law and order in order to survive for their convenience. Guyanese from all walks of life have seen the immediate transformation of Guyana over the past three years under President Ali`s mantleship. All the Heads from Caricom embrace him as one of their own and the one to lead the Caribbean to fruition. President Ali is being rejoicefully welcomed at all international forums and is required to address the gatherings as a leader of integrity and one leading by example.
It is not surprising that the PPP/C Government has addressed the issue of recognising, acknowledging and awarding individuals and organisations who have played a meaningful role as an instrumental, significant and positive element in the restoration and preservation of democracy in Guyana during Election 2020. Perhaps the list is an exhaustive one and the criteria will have to entail a process of elimination not because of credibility or priority but because of practically in the application of limitation.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall