Public Works Ministry rolls out $15.2B Miscellaneous Roads Programme
The Public Works Ministry is set to roll out a massive infrastructure agenda for Regions Two, Three, Four, Five and Six through its Miscellaneous Road Programme.
Minister within the Housing and Water Ministry, Susan Rodrigues, visiting one of the areas in Region Six on Thursday
Contractors have already been invited to submit bids through public notices in the daily newspapers.
One of the roads that are slated to be rehabilitated
A number of roads in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) are set to be rehabilitated. Among those are First and Second Cross Streets and Shenny Roundabout Street in Charity; First Long Dam in Perseverance; Fourth Cross Street in Zorg; and Back and Hack Streets in Riverstown in Golden Fleece.
Factory Estate Street, Cross Street and Mandir Street in Johanna Cecilia; Masjid Street in Queenstown; North Dam in Affiance; Primary School Road in Hurry-up Scheme in Hydronie/Good Hope; Bushy Park Phase Two, and Sixth Cross Street in La Jalousie will also be rehabilitated.
Residents of Mora Boundary Road; Back Dam East from School to Kent Dam and Crown Dam Parika; the road north of Crystal Spring in Malgre Tout; Sarah Cremation Site and Mandir Street; and Melville in Wakenaam will also benefit from the upgrade.
Roads to be rehabilitated in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) include Phase Two Belle West Network One; Lion Street, Best Village; Dem Amstel East Side Line Dam; and Cruickshank Street in Den Amstel WCD; along with Market Old Road at Leonora WCD.
In Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), rehabilitation will be done on Third Cross Street, Herstelling; Jaipaul to Zamo Street, Mahaica; Back Street Hope; First and Second Cross Street Old Iron, Enmore; and Old Enmore Railway Embankment. In Cane Grove, Eddie Ram Street, Donald/Jango Street and Church Street will see major upgrade, along with Pauline Street and Fourth Street in Strathavon.
Residents of Annandale will also see rehabilitation works being undertaken on Pump Road, Benkey Alley and First Cross Street. Similar works will be carried out in First and Sixth Cross Street in Good Hope Phase One. Training School Road and Cookie Street in Kuru Kururu, along with Martyr’s Ville Seventh Street, Double Road and Second Cross Street in Jango Town in Mon Repos are also set to be rehabilitated.
Residents of Mahaica will not be left behind, as roads in De Hoop Line Top Street, De Hoop Mahaica; Broom Hall; Middle Walk Street, Mahaicony; District One, West of De Hoop Branch Road, Mahaica River; Road Network, Perseverance; Purain Street, Blairmont No.2 Village; Kassim Street, Cotton Tree; Bachelor Street, Rosignol; Paris Street, No.22 Village; Second Street, Section C, Bush Lot; and the road network in Shieldstown are on the cards for repairs.
Over in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), roads slated for rehabilitation include Tarlogie Compound Dam; Samrah Street, No.36 Village; First Street, No.43 Village; Third Cross Street, Liverpool; Fourth Cross Street, Whim; No.53 Village Second and Third Cross Street; First Cross Street, No.71 Village; Second Street and Access Lengua Section B, Grant 1806; Cross Street Three Fort Ordinance Housing Scheme; First Street, Kendall; Fourth Street, Nigg; Fyrish Main Access; Nigg Fifth Street; Russel Street South, Hampshire; Fifth and Sixth Cross Street, Belvedere.
Budget 2022 has allocated $15.2 billion towards the Ministry’s Miscellaneous Road Programme, $7.2 billion more than the previous year’s allocation. Over 450 roads were constructed or rehabilitated in 2021.