Dear Editor,
So, another life was lost to crazy driving on Vlissengen Road on Monday last. The driver and conductor were interested only in saving the speaker boxes from the overturned bus lying in the trench.
Meanwhile, a motorist was pinned underneath in the trench and screaming passengers were hurt. The driver ran away.
Familiar ending, we read of so many times.
Every day we read about senseless taking of lives in accidents involving minibuses, taxis or errant drunkards on the roadways.
Everyone seems in such a hurry.
Imagine you’re at a stoplight and two seconds before the counter gets to zero to change from red to green, horns are honking at the driver at the head to move.
Vehicles come to stoplights and can’t wait so they do the craziest about turns on major roadways – especially at Homestretch and Vlissengen – right by the Ministry of the Presidency!
One recommendation on curbing this problem goes to the root of the issue: jointly charge and punish each offending driver ALONG with the certifying officer that bestowed a license to them.
I say collateral punishment for collateral damage.
Stan Gouveia