Dear Editor,
The plans being unfolded to clean the city’s drains are encouraging, and should be part of the annual budget.
What is missing is the prevention of that rotten egg smell that occurs during the process. That smell is also present when the drains do not flow adequately, and there is a build-up of organic matter that has decayed.
Having an annual cleaning schedule for the towns in the country, especially for the Capital City, would help prevent the build-up of this decayed organic matter and its accompanying rotten egg/hydrogen sulfide smell. We must also include cleaning of the villages in this annual process.
Ensuring that the drains, gutters, trenches and canals are flowing is also important to prevent the buildup of organic decaying matter. Sometimes, there are unexpected problems that result in blockages, and we must have the ability to quickly react and correct those problems when they occur. An additional allocation within the budget of 10% above what has already been allocated for this item should be considered to minimise the need for emergency funding.
Ensuring the funds are in place each year, and that the work is inspected while ongoing and after completion would minimise the ongoing flooding that has been negatively impacting our current infrastructure. Having the above in place would also help increase the importance of where drainage infrastructure improvements must take place – another area for annual budgetary considerations.
Auditing of the accounts associated with this budget item would be necessary to prevent any potential pilfering of funds. The complaints are already being heard on other infrastructure projects, and preventing them from occurring in this area is a must. When the rains and high tides hit our shores, people would see for themselves how effective the Government has been and is being in this critical area of good governance.
Eliminating flooding and its impact on our citizenry would open the door to an election win in 2025 and beyond. Local Government elections offer an opportunity for citizens to choose who would champion their efforts in this area of good drainage and flood prevention. Each party would have an opportunity to show their respective constituents and the rest of the country how effectively they can govern. Lack of funding must not be an issue, as it would reflect poorly on the party controlling the purse strings. All the best to those who take up the challenge of flood prevention.
The smell of rotten eggs has been associated with many things, including the state of the governing party. I remember it well while sitting with my girlfriend near the trench in front of Queen’s College. The water wasn’t flowing, and the smell was strong. She asked me, “What’s that smell?” It smells like rotten eggs. It was the smell of sulfur.
Is that a sign of the hellish times in our country’s history? Embargoed, running out of funds, and most importantly reducing motivation and appreciation for the freedom and independence of our beautiful country. Our people could fix the problems if they were happy to do so, but disappointment and lack of contentment with what we had were spreading after the ban on wheat flour. The irony of it now is that rice flour is on the rise, and is needed for those who have to eat items that are gluten-free. I enjoyed those rice flour cookies that were hitting the stores.
I smile every time I eat chakri/chakli, which is an Indian snack made of rice flour. It reminds me of an African Guyanese guy who grew up in Guyana. He would complain all the time about the lack of bread, and speak badly of President Burnham. I had no complaints. I could still buy a curry & roti at Demico, and rice is still a favourite of mine. Many good things come to those who wait and are content with good health and the simple joys of life.
As the smell of the bad eggs goes away, so will the smell of bad governance start to disappear. The people of Guyana will thank you when it is time to elect their leaders for the next five years. To be chosen to lead is a privilege bestowed upon someone whom the electorate can trust. There is no place for someone who is a glutton in good governance.
Best regards,
Jamil Changlee