One of Guyana’s most popular comediennes, Leza Singh, launched her new radio programme titled “Sauce it up” on Wednesday last on 89.5 FM.
The guests on her inaugural show were popular television personality Joel Gansham, Evening New Editor, Michael Young and comedian, Sonia Yarde. The programme was full of shade throwing, sarcasm and witty innuendos which added some spice to the one hour on radio.
Although listeners were expecting a clash of the two titans – Younge and Gansham – the one-hour show passed by with only egos being bruised. Persons are now waiting to hear the announcement of who the next guests will be.
The show is clean content with no political or vulgar content. The show is not intended to discuss any serious issues and aims to remain on the lighter side of any issue that may arise.
“Sauce it up” is intended to reach the general Guyanese population, and as such, the content will be geared to piqué the interest of both young and old. The show is aired on Wednesday at 18:00h.
It’s one that will have you laughing so make sure, you take those pills before turning in to “Sauce it Up”.