Settling the public record

Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter published on the 24th day of November 2022, authored by a Mr. Andre Brandli, Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.
The letter, in so far as it is relevant to me, invites me to ‘‘comment in public how the very voter turnout numbers of the 2020 General elections ranging between 91.3 and 98.8% are to be explained best (sic).’’
It must strike your readers as a little more than strange that this Professor would conjure up his own numbers, evoke a conclusion, and then invite me to offer an explanation for his brew! Unfortunately, unlike the goodly Professor, I have neither the time nor inclination to embark in such conjecture and surmise.
I prefer to be guided by the statistics provided by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in respect to the rate of voter turnout at elections, as this is the constitutionally authorised repository of such data.
I set out hereunder the said information as generated by GECOM in respect of the last four Regional and General Elections in Guyana.
I hope I have assisted in settling the public record on this issue.

Yours faithfully,
Mohabir Anil Nandlall,
Attorney General
and Minister of
Legal Affairs