Shame, shame, and more shame on the shameless parliamentarians

Dear Editor,
Shame, shame, and more shame on the shameless politicians. The damaging, disgusting and despicable behaviour from this demented crop of parliamentarians not only leaves a sour taste in the mouth, but also pervades an obnoxious scent in the air, and defiles the very premise they traverse. Imagine that not only Guyana, but the world at large is being exposed to this travesty of sanctity.
Bearing in mind that COVID-19 protocols create the opportunity for more Guyanese being domesticated in their domicile, the chance is greater that a bigger viewership and more listeners were in audience than normal. This broadcast was disseminated for the benefit of the public to assimilate, so that they would be able to see and listen for themselves how the 2021 Budget is being debated by both the Government and the Opposition Members of Parliament.
The electorate would have been able to opine whether or not they made the right choice to vote for those representing their rights. The potential voters would have been able to determine their future choices also. The school children would have been able to decide if politics would be a promising career. How sickening that they were only too well informed.
But, low and behold, the innocent world was unprepared for that disastrous and deplorable debacle which dramatised the demented and devilish minds of those pretending to perfect the art of decency, valour and honesty. This crop of immature and improper officers certainly – without reservation or hesitation – impeded any continuity of average display for the preservation of honour and dignity. The abuse in communication was openly exasperating, provocative and antagonising, to spell it out mildly but boldly.
This uncouth vulgarity and blackguardly hooliganism is unparalleled, and obviously surmounts the fish market ludicrous obscenities. This unfortunate insolent insularity is not only inappropriate and unacceptable, but is also an absolute insult to the intelligence of unforgiving Guyanese, who sadly have had to witness this spectacular and supercilious debauchery.
One would think that the level of academics employed to transact the business of Guyana in the respectable place of Parliament (ACCC) qualifies parliamentarians to exercise due care and attention, so that all and sundry would be impressed by their knowledge, expertise and professionalism.
One would expect that being addressed by the prefix “honourable” distinguishes the dignity of decency, and due respect being accorded and afforded to the addressee and the recipient of such lordly and ladylike accolade is expected to reciprocate accordingly. It seems as if that is a myth and misnomer with this bunch of misfits masquerading as dignitaries and diplomats of diplomacy and excellency.
How can those guilty of this perverse behaviour go home to face their polite, courteous and elderly parents; or civil and dutiful wife or husband; or gracious and obedient children; or admirable and reverent neighbour; or courteous and kind family member; or affectionate and supportive friend?
How can those inconsiderate and unrefined associates of adroit degenerates dare to face reporters, journalists, writers, interviewers and broadcasters to expostulate on immorality, ignobility and impropriety?
Did they forget that they were being broadcasted live and direct and the public was privileged to see their actions and inactions? Or were they unconcerned about what others think, how they feel, and what would be the reaction to such abject and sordid accountability? Is this what Guyanese have to expect, accept and settle for going forward in the future?
How proud are the leaders and managers of these representatives? Do they approve of this display? Are they worried about the image being portrayed, or do they welcome the opportunity to illustrate their true metal? Are the mentors of these scholars bowing their heads in disgrace, or applauding the workmanship of artistry?
Monday’s conduct is unworthy and contemptible. there is no room for excuse, this type of abusive language is unbefitting and must be reprimanded. No Guyanese would support this filthy unpleasantness and dismay; viewers and surprised learners have found these sons and daughters of Guyana’s soil to be repugnant, reprehensible and repulsive.
This repellent nastiness must immediately be eliminated, sanitised, and neither sensationalised nor advertised. Such impertinence and impudence must not be tolerated or endorsed; and remorse, regret and apology would not only be in order, but is also the least these lords and ladies can do to hold their heads high above their necks.
Guyanese are baffled as to why the Code of Conduct is neither being observed nor adhered to. Worse yet, Guyanese are appalled that the Speaker, in instituting the rules and regulations, allowed this lawless behaviour to be prolonged under his watch?
There is urgent need for a parliamentary retreat, to include an orientation programme regarding parliamentary behaviour, and how parliamentarians must conduct themselves at all times, inside and outside of Parliament. Perhaps the University of Guyana and the Guyana Bar Association can come to the rescue.
The second day’s sitting failed to provide much relief, even after so many articles and reports were printed regarding the onslaught on moral upbringing, the portrayal of licentious language, and the disparagement for fellow comrades. Further, the Speaker saw it befitting to warn the truthful media about their accurate reporting, rather than caution the parliamentarians about their unwarranted misconduct.
Seems as if this is an acceptable norm, and such derogatory remarks are simply throwing water on ducks’ backs. This mudslinging must be condemned, and not condoned; and it is the legal duty of the Speaker of the House to perform his legitimate job and implement and execute the fines and punishment as necessitated by Parliamentary Procedure.
Moral obligation bemoans this as an essentially standard requirement in light of prolific blasphemy, so that the revered observance of sacrosanctity may continue to be observed and sustained. Bishop Edghill and Cheddi Jagan were victims of the wrath of the law and the inexorableness of different speakers. Guyanese call for patriotic loyalty, and not spurious disparity over unscrupulousness.

Jai Lall