Newly crowned Chutney Monarch, Steven Ramphal, is set to turn up the heat at the District Ultra Lounge on Saturday evening at an event titled “Soca in Meh Vein” – named after his entry at the Carib Soca Monarch competitions.
He placed second in that competition, with Lindener Brandon Harding securing the top spot. Fresh out of Mashramani celebrations, this will be the first indoor event for the artiste and he will be leaving no stone unturned.
While he is expected to perform his soca tune, he will also be singing the song he won the Chutney competition with. The versatile young man has since been promotion unity and good relations from his tunes, especially at this time in our nation’s history.
However, apart from the live performance by Ramphal, Deejays Ryan and Countri Boi who are verse on the console, will dish out the best music to make sure patrons have a grand time. Patrons are encouraged to book their booths early, guaranteeing all-night bottle specials on alcoholic beverages.
In addition, patrons can purchase four shots of Tequila and get the fifth absolutely free. Ladies will be admitted free before 21:00h.