
…in the Coalition?
Reading the tea leaves strewn around by the AFC, it’s hard not to conclude the marriage of Tain 2015 between APNU and AFC’s on the rocks. That’s a crying shame ‘cause so many folks had such high hopes from the moment the engagement was announced on Valentine’s Day 2015. It was such a modern marriage! Learning from the experience of their predecessors (the PNC and UF in the 1960s) when the UF was kicked out from the marriage bed without any alimony, APNU and AFC took pains to have their lawyers work out a pre-nup.
They called it the Cummingsburg Accord. Well. There certainly isn’t very much “accord” between the two parties right now – that’s for sure! Much is made about Minister of State in the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon having “too much power” – as charged by Nagamootoo. Now that’s a laugh…a big laugh. In politics – as in marriages – when it comes to matters of the bedroom, size (of power or whatever) doesn’t really matter – it’s what you do with it.
Imagine Nagamootoo’s PRIME Minister of the country – with constitutionally defined powers – and he says Harmon has more powers than him!  He should be ashamed of himself! What was he doing for the past nine months? This Eyewitness will tell you what – playing with himself, that’s what! Wanker!! Flying off to the States on “private trips”….flying off to Canada to squeeze the flesh of campaign contributors – and give them “Diaspora Advisor” appointments…flying off to Mexico and promising paddy contracts that have never appeared. You could fill in the rest…Dear Readers.
And while he was off gallivanting and speechifying and showing what a “big man” he was – others like Harmon stepped up to the crease. If “nature abhors a vacuum” then politics abhors a vacuum in the exercise of power even worse. There, the rule is “use it or lose it”. Nagamootoo, Dear Readers, has lost it…and he ain’t getting it back for all the gold in Cathay. By now Prezzie knows Nagamootoo’s all bark and no bite. And for a man with a military background, to have someone at your back you can’t count on when the going gets tough, that’s ground for a summary execution.
And that’s what’s in store for Nagamootoo. But this Eyewitness has a question for the Prime Minister. If, as he says, he “co-chairs the Cabinet”, why hadn’t he pointed out those instances where Harmon exceeded his remit? He won’t, because he can’t.
Because he never sat next to Prezzie at Cabinet meetings…neither on the right nor left hand!

…in a family
There’s no more bitter struggle or fight than one between “family”. And Glen “Mook” Lall and Brian Tiwari are family. So the “vendetta”  Tiwari claims that’s  being waged against him by the Mook  isn’t  just a “tiff” that’ll blow over – after which they’ll soon kiss and make up. All kinds of nasty accusations have been made about TIWARI’s business operations by Mook’s Muckraker…and these went on for years. More than anything else, these reports convinced ordinary folks that Tiwari was raping the Treasury courtesy of the PPP.
Now the Mook’s been slandering Tiwari and other businessmen who don’t suck up to him for years…but have the temerity to be successful. Envy and jealousy are such terrible masters! Now that Tiwari’s been forced to speak out…can we hope that some other businessmen who’ve been cowed into silence will find their voice?
Don’t hold your breath!

…in ideology?
Tiwari’s statement accused the Muckraker and Chronic not only of “gutter journalism”….but they’ve “taken the posture of the purveyors of fascist propaganda”.
“Purveyors of fascist propaganda?”  Like of the macho, Trump-like figure the Mook affects?