Sophia rampage
…mother denies connection between stabbing and fires
Alvano Williams, the 29-year-old minibus conductor who was stabbed about the body in B Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown on Sunday, after which a group said to be representing him rampaged through the area remains hospitalised.
However, his mother is now denying having knowledge of the two incidents being connected.
Bridget Williams, the victim’s mother, said that she was able to speak to her son, who claims that he has no knowledge of the series of fires set in his community.
According to the woman, her son revealed that he was on the road with his girlfriend when he was approached by three men and was asked “is story you want?”
However, she stated that Williams replied with expletives which prompted one of the men called “Gaza”, who is now in Police custody, to plunge a spade into his chest.
She added that her son relayed that he had a cutlass on his person at the time which he drew, but was disarmed, so he attempted to flee.
In the process of fleeing, Williams reportedly fell to the ground when he was further attacked with his own cutlass and chopped about his body.
His mother revealed that the fight stemmed from an incident, which occurred on Thursday last.
The girlfriend of the perpetrator, Kerry (only name given) was at the Sophia bus park when the victim asked whether she would be travelling with him, and she replied: “I ain’t going in no crassing bus.”
As such, Williams responded negatively and told her “you and you man is two crass”. This was reported to the perpetrator, who stopped the said bus as it was proceeding to Sophia and started the fight with Williams.
When questioned about the three houses being set alight allegedly by members of a gang that her son was involved with, Bridget Williams claimed that she was not aware that the two incidents were related.
On Sunday, about 08:30h, Williams was stabbed when he was escorting his girlfriend to work on Dennis Street, Sophia. However, an angry mob rushed to the aid of Williams forcing the suspect to flee the scene and go into hiding.
Police Officers subsequently arrived at the location of the commotion and were forced to fire a shot in an attempt to quell the raging mob but to no avail.
Guyana Times understands that in an attempt to seek retribution for the harm done to the conductor, the gang went on a rampage in search of the missing suspect setting the three homes alight.