Starr Computer has partnered with a Brazilian company, Digifort Inc, to launch a surveillance software and video-monitoring intelligence in Guyana.
According to Digifort Vice President Arie Hornreich, as Guyanese prepare for the next phase of oil and gas production, they must take into consideration the more sophisticated crimes that will begin to occur.
Digifort Vice President Arie Hornreich
To prepare for such a challenge, he suggested that Guyana be proactive with technology solutions.
“Growth is great but it also attracts the element that lives side-by-side with the good— which is bad. What we try to do at Digifort is create software that allows for the decision-makers and security; it can be a private company, it can be a government, to be able to have the right tools in order to perform their job more efficiently. Cameras can do a lot more work than people because cameras can multitask,” he said.
He explained that the Crime Prediction with Artificial Intelligence software has become a tool to improve the ability of people and countries to react to situations faster.
“Up to a few years ago, security was based basically in reactive, in the sense that we learn from mistakes because we would watch the video, put playback and see what had happened but that doesn’t really resolve the situation if there was somebody killed. Because, ok, we learned but was it worth learning through a life of somebody already lost?” he asked.
Besides, he said, “Video nowadays in the industry is directing its self more towards the proactive approach, meaning what kind of approach can we create to allow the decision-makers in the industry to be able to not sometimes prevent, but respond a lot quicker to an event that could take a lot more lives?”
He further demonstrated how the software works on huge data gathering to predict a criminal’s behaviour, facial biometry, among others.
“We are detecting a facial signature, that facial signature is very unique to the person, and the most important thing is not only are we capturing those people in the database, but we can actually also compare them to a positive or negative list. So in the negative list situation, you will say this is Joan Smith and you could actually say he is being looked for the crime of, so that’s the data that we will provide,” he explained.
The software also has a mobile application that works with both iPhone and Android and will allow persons to have full control of their security system even if they are in another country.
Meanwhile, it is used in many developed countries, malls, airports, and schools to detect weapons and for licence plate recognition.
It is now available at Starr Computer Inc.