State House shooting: Nigerian suspect on life support

The alleged attacker, Bethel Ikena Chinezie

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has confirmed that Bethel Ikena Chinezie, the Nigerian national who invaded State House on Thursday in an attempt to assassinate President Ali, remains in a critical state in hospital.
He related that the 25-year-old suspect, who was shot thrice, is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on a life support machine, battling for his life while investigators are still trying to put the pieces together in order to figure out the man’s motive for the invasion.
Blanhum also confirmed that the GPF is in talks with Interpol, but he could not divulge any information on those engagements.
However, condemnation of the attack continues to pour in. In fact, late Thursday evening, the Alliance for Change (AFC) stated that State House is the established and official residence of the President of Guyana and his family. It is not to be trifled with, and every facility and resource must be used to protect its occupants and its sanctity.
As such, the Party has recommended that a full investigation be undertaken into the incident, to ascertain the true motives, intentions, and associations, if any, of this man.
“Already, and regrettably, rumour and conjecture have dominated the discourse about the events – ranging from the actions of an insane man to this being organized, planned and targeted attack,” the party added.
It further stated that only a professional inquiry can unearth the facts and circumstances, and only then can a proper response, for future occurrences, be implemented.
“From a national security standpoint, this breach must be treated with the highest levels of seriousness and importance”, the AFC has said.
On Thursday at about 7:30h, Chinezie made a demand to see the President at a southern guard hut, located near Carmichael Street. He was cautioned about having to be processed before entering the compound. However, the assailant resisted being processed, and whipped out a knife from a pouch he was carrying, using same to stab one of the guards present, Teon Perreira, five times about his body and to his neck.
After injuring Perreira, Chienzie relieved a female guard of her firearm and retreated from the guard hut. It was then that shots rang out in the usually quiet neighbourhood, much to the alarm of those residing in the environs. Civilian videos of the ordeal on Thursday morning captured Chinezie walking backwards from the guard hut, but continuing to exchange gunfire with the Presidential Guards and other ranks. The severely injured Nigerian national was later surrounded, intercepted, and disarmed by ranks.
Both the injured guard and the attacker were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital(GPHC) for immediate medical attention. Perreira was rushed into surgery at the GPHC, and President Dr. Irfaan Ali showed up to check on his well-being. He later regained consciousness, and is reportedly alert. He, however, remains hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Meanwhile, at the scene of the shooting, Police ranks retrieved a 9mm pistol and seven 9mm spent shells. While there were no other injuries reported, there was visible damage to nearby business entities.
Meanwhile, information on Chinezie has revealed that the 25-year-old is employed with a cleaning service company. He arrived in Guyana on March 13, 2020, and was previously employed with a security company.