A man, who attempted to scale a gate at Bourda Market, was in the wee hours of Thursday caught, but not before discharging a firearm on the city Constable who was at the time conducting a routine patrol.
Chief Constable Andrew Foo
Chief Constable Andrew Foo explained that the incident occurred at about 03:00h in the vicinity of Orange Walk, Bourda. The suspect was spotted climbing over the structure and an alarm was raised.
“I would have received information that around 03:00h this morning (Thursday) from a member of the city Police who was at the Bourda Market doing routine patrols. He would have noticed an individual on Orange Walk. That individual was seen attempting to climb the second gate of the Bourda Market,” Foo stated.
However, the Constable called on the suspect to desist from climbing over the gate but in retaliation, he opened fire at the city Constable, who reciprocated with similar actions.
This caused the suspect to flee the scene and after a high-speed chase, he was apprehended at Hadfield Street and placed in the lock-ups.
“The ranks would have put up a challenge but he opened fire at him. The Constable returned fire causing the individual to flee. The rank went in pursuit of chase, which ended up on Hadfield Street. Additional ranks were summoned and the suspect was seen and attested in the vicinity of Smith Congregational Church”.
A search was conducted at the said location, where a pistol and 15 live rounds of ammunition were discovered.
Foo stated that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was also briefed on the gun-related matter as investigations continue. Throughout the ordeal, no injuries were incurred and stalls at the marketplace remained intact.