Tacuma Ogunseye must be arrested and taken before a court of law immediately!

Dear Editor,
Tacuma Ogunseye needs to be taken before a Court of Law and give an answer to the racist and incendiary remarks he made during a meeting in Buxton.
His remarks there was a call to violence which cannot be condoned in a fledgling democracy such as ours. To incite a community and call them out to commit violent acts is simply unacceptable and this guy must atone for his actions. Our society has embarked on a path of peace and progress and we will not allow this misfit to derail us from achieving our goal.
This type of violent behaviour must be singled out and put to an end immediately. We are not going to put up with this form of backwardness, ever!
But before I address the recent racist rant by Ogunseye, permit me dear editor to inform and educate Ogunseye and their friends on a few issues. History is replete by way of documented facts that it was Burnham who outlawed his party The WPA and thereafter, went on a ruthless campaign against all those who were members of, or, were in any way associated with that party.
Burnham’s assertion of The WPA as “The worst possible alternative” saw beatings and lynching of persons, the culmination of that torturous period seeing the murder of Dr. Walter Rodney.
Burnham drove real fear into The Black Community, they were mortally afraid of him to the extent that many had to run for their lives, Ogunseye included. I cannot here use the rustic term of describing where Ogunseye’s mouth might have been during that period, but suffice it to say that his mouth was in a dark place where the sun didn’t shine. Where was the revolutionary fervour that runs off his mouth now, where was it then? The PPP/C or none of its followers did not carry out those atrocities against his party so what’s his problem?
Maybe the blunt trauma from the beatings during those years might have had a damaging effect on his brain or something, that the rage still lingers on in him. But his anger is misdirected, The PPP/C is not the cause of his sufferings, those atrocities were carried out by his own kind and by a party to which he holds allegiance. Ogunseye is now, cap in hand, in total servitude to the PNC, a party that has meted out the worst forms of atrocities against them.
This tells me that this guy has deep-seated issues, that is, issues of relevance and self-worth. Ogunseye holds no position of importance in a coalition that is of similar standing. In this regard he comes out swinging with these violent speeches, hoping to gain some attention to his and his coalition’s flagging image.
But this will not work, No one in a civilized society would countenance him with that foolishness. We will denounce his call to violence in the strongest terms ever, and trying to divide society on racial grounds would also be denigrated.
We have seen the devastation violent racial politics have caused to societies across the world, in The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and closer home Haiti. There are lifelong lessons learned from these countries and as such we will not allow this disease to take root here in Guyana. Tacuma Ogunseye must be arrested and taken before a court of law immediately!

Neil Adams