Swift action by member of the Guyana Police Force has led to the apprehension of two teenagers early Wednesday morning following a robbery at Crane Village, West Coast Demerara on Tuesday evening.
Reports are at about 20:20h on the night in question, 24-year-old Hanson Forde and his 40-year-old mother, Dawn Martin, were in the bottom flat of their two-storey home when four men, two of whom were armed with handguns entered. They reportedly gained entry through a window that was left open.
The duo was reportedly held at gunpoint as the bandits made their demands. Based on information gathered, the bandits demanded jewellery, money and raw gold that the family kept at home. The young man is an excavator operation at an interior location.
However, after making their demands, the bandits ordered the victims into the upper flat of the house where they continued to make their demands.
In so doing, one of the men discharged two rounds hitting the ceiling after which they relieved the duo of several pieces of gold jewellery, two ounces of raw gold, two cellular phones and $60,000.
Meanwhile, the Police have confirmed that one of the teenagers who was arrested is known to the Police. The suspects are both 19 years sold. At the scene, the Police retrieved two .32 spent shells.
Investigations are ongoing.