The PNC curse!

Dear Editor,
Since 2015 Guyanese have seen a continual socio-economic retrogression when we are supposed to be at the cusp of massive economic development. We have become an oil-producing nation but at the same time, we have been plunged into great uncertainty about whether we will once again experience another PNC dictatorial rule and all the sufferings that would entail. However, in the midst of all this, Guyanese have been fully exposed to the damaging and regressive nature of the PNC.
What has transpired since December 21, 2018, has irredeemably damaged the PNC beyond any repair and no amount of baptismal name changes will ever resurrect it. Enough simply cannot be said and written about the havoc wreaked on the economy and that has been the trademark of the PNC. But that has been well documented over the past five years. That is how they ‘govern’, that is their true nature. But what they have now laid bare for all to see, not only in Guyana but throughout the world is the avarice and lust for power whereby the end justifies the means.
Never has anyone seen a political leader, having lost an election, cling on to power for dear life, violating all the laws including the Supreme Law of the land, prostituting the courts and the Guyana Elections Commission. Burnham had some shame at least. He padded the electoral lists, he hijacked the ballot boxes and stuffed them with fake ballots among other clandestine acts. The PNC was always declared the ‘winner’ after the counting of the fake ballots. Burnham never used the courts, there was simply no need. But his disciple, Granger, used the courts and GECOM as though they are his puppets.
However, unlike his predecessors, what Granger has done is to attempt to rig an election after the votes have been counted. The votes which have been counted for all ten regions and the SoPs produced. Granger should have realised that the electoral system of Guyana is foolproof and no massive fraud can ever be perpetrated. His use of Mingo and Lowenfield was highly unimaginative and amateur. He was bound to be caught and he was. He made it even worse when he agreed to a recount. He should have realised that the recount would only substantiate the validity of the electoral process and further expose Mingo’s fraud. Which it did. No amount of false allegations about the credibility of the election will ever stand up. Only his ilk and ‘kith and kin’ will attempt to peddle and believe such falsity. How can the PPP/C ever rig the election when the PNC dominated GECOM?
But true to form, Granger made a final attempt to rig when Lowenfield submitted his fraudulent report to the GECOM’s Chair despite being given clear instructions. Fortunately, the Chair stood her ground and sent him back to present his report according to the recount statements, this time discarding the SoPs held in ‘abeyance’. This has finally closed that loophole. But will Basil shamelessly go back to the courts? For what reason may I ask? The CCJ has already ruled decisively on all legal aspects. GECOM is an independent constitutional body and the Chair has done what is required by law.
Unfortunately, the threats and the burning have started. That is the true nature of the PNC, they cannot change. But they should realise that burning, looting and mayhem will not be tolerated and will never give them power. In fact, what they have done effectively is to forever destroy their chances of ever winning another election in this country. The names PNC and AFC will forever be cursed. Everything good they have touched they was destroyed.
Politicians such as Granger, Trotman, Basil Williams, Harmon, Volda Lawrence, Amna Ally, Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan should forever be banished from the political arena. They are not worthy of being called leaders of the people and have completely lost all sense of decency and integrity and have relegated themselves to common criminals in the eyes of the masses. How can they ever walk the streets knowing in their hearts what they are?
They will be avoided like COVID-19! In addition, Lowenfield and Mingo should never be allowed to even venture anywhere near GECOM, cheaters and fraud have no place in such a noble institution. Their attempts to steal an election in full view of the world will never be forgotten. I do hope they are made to face the full brunt of the law. Lastly, I do hope that there is some provision in our laws which can make them pay financial damages in the civil courts for the emotional damage and stress they have caused to the Guyanese people for well over 4 months.

Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf