The present scenario is that CXC is operating as a bully

Dear Editor,
The horrible situation that has befallen us at this year’s CXC Examination stops at nothing short of a catastrophe; others might use more severe terminologies, but it all leads to the very same conclusion.
From the outset, there was this eerie feeling that something terrible was about to happen, and that it would leave a bad taste in our mouths relative to exams and our regional examining body. Folks were already up in arms in the sitting of one paper, as against multiple papers, that it was not in the best interest of the child who had spent five years at school to be evaluated at only a single exam. I am also of that view.
However, be that as it may, we went along with the regional body, and here we are now: at the crossroads, with some of the most atrocious results ever seen in the history of the examining body. These results are not those that anyone would countenance; and for this, CXC should take responsibility. Much has not changed, there are the same teachers, and there is the same syllabus; the only things that have changed are CXC’s granting of one paper, and their atrocious grading system. Those are the only things that have changed, and CXC are not prepared to face up to that fact. In other words, they have acted in dictatorial fashion and brushed aside everyone as if they weren’t there.
I am talking about meeting the ministries and parents half way; instead, CXC – that is, this present registrar – has responded in the worst possible way you can imagine. I do not know whether he has any prior experience being at the helm of a large examining body, but his mannerism and handling of the matter leaves a whole lot to be desired.
In the first instance, he quite bluntly refused to speak to anyone, only coming out to say that there shall be no review of the examination results. Only when pressured by the respective home governments did he relent, stating that he would allow only a review, but the students who are requesting a review would be ordered to pay US$30 per paper.
Well, I’d be damned, in that the student – which by interpretation means the parent, because the parent is the one who works – had already paid CXC for a full exam, in some instances three papers, but were issued an examination in only one paper. Are you telling those parents that they are now being penalised doubly in having to pay for a review of their children’s paper, when CXC has benefited from payments for three papers? This is outrageous!
No refund was issued to anyone in regard to the papers that were paid for, and CXC has gained millions on those fees; so, to come again and demand a US$30 review is tantamount to bullyism, and is totally unacceptable.
Even from a legal standpoint, CXC is obligated to review the examination as is, or to refund the students. Yes, they had a full examination in readiness, but, due to COVID-19, this was not realised. That is not the students’ fault, and CXC are obligated to absorb the shocks. In fact, there are no shocks here, because those papers can be used for future examinations, so I cannot see why there is this high-handed approach by a regional examining body.
In my evaluation of this present registrar and the way he handled this year’s examination, I would give him an F, or a failing grade. He has sullied the name of CXC, and I am sure there will be future problems along the road with him.
Certainly, this year’s examination has left a bitter taste and a nightmarish experience with us. Here we have a callous and uncaring registrar who has ruined the lives of thousands of students.

Yours respectfully,
Neil Adams