The ship is sinking fast

Dear Editor,
The half-year report from the Finance Minister underscores the dismal performance of the forestry sector under the new Government and new Board. The Ministry of Finance reported a decline in performance by over 15 per cent. The board has done everything to stymie the development of the forest sector. Analysts have exclaimed that this is perhaps the worst performance of the forestry sector in 20 years.
In less than one year of the board’s existence everything has gone through the window. Many companies have closed down or are in the process of closing down; investors’ lands are being repossessed without due process and basically leading to a total shutdown of the sector. It would be good for the board to release information on how many new investors they have attracted, how many new jobs have been created, how many new mills have been developed, how much new roads have been developed, how many new markets have been established, how much investments have been done. The answer is simply negative.
We agree that the Chinese were perhaps benefitting from some concessions, but what happened to the rest of the sector? The small man’s produces are not selling while the board seems unaware of the reality of the situation. If you go the length and breadth of this country small producers, as well as large operators are crying out there is no programme or plan to re-invigorate the sector; communities in the government stronghold of Linden and Kwakwani are crying out for help—what is the board doing?
In addition we are not hearing anything on the LCDS phase 2. We heard the board and government developing a new plan to replace the LCDS but where is it? Has Norway given any money since the new government took office? I suspect not. Given the record decline in the forest sector and the mismanagement of the sector under the new board and administration, I would urge Norway not to send any more funds to Guyana and to close off the agreement. Norway should read the Auditor General’s Report for the period when the APNU/AFC took office and see the shocking mismanagement and misuse of public funds over such a short period of time, particularly at the Ministry of Finance. So why put money into a system that is destined to misuse and mismanage the funds as it has proven while in office just over a year?
When the PPP/C was in office a particular board member was a constant critic of the President and Minister for Forestry, as well as Forestry Commissioner James Singh. But she is currently a board member so what she has to show of her knowledge and expertise of the forestry sector? A record decline in performance, while being on the GFC board! The public is calling on this particular expert to bring out all her plans and ideas she has or had for the development of the sector and Guyana as a whole. It’s time to walk the talk.
Seems to me the only solution is to get more competent people on the board, or more so in Government.
So board Chair and Minister, the ship is sinking fast; the public is waiting for Government to present A PLAN. The public is watching and slowly getting fed up.

Yours sincerely,
Carlos DeBarros, Sr
Forest Ranger (ret’d)