There had to be ringleaders who instigated East Coast riot

Dear Editor,
I categorically condemn the recent East Coast riot on 28th June.
The word “riot” is used because it may have started as a peaceful protest at Golden Grove, but unfortunately, unsavoury characters took advantage and turned it into an opportunity to loot and destroy the properties of many market vendors at Mon Repos.
While every Guyanese has the right to protest if they feel aggrieved, they do not have the right to block the roads, destroy property, assault others, and loot. That’s not protesting; that’s hooliganism.
This riot appears to have been planned, and this is said because it is very difficult to believe that so many young persons could spontaneously turn to the roadway to block it at Golden Grove, then march, run or ride all of the way to the Mon Repos market to loot and destroy the properties of the market vendors. There had to be ringleaders who instigated this action, and these persons must be arrested and placed before the Court to answer for their actions.
The political party which has the majority of voters in the Golden Grove/Haslington area did little, if anything, to quell or prevent the atrocious actions carried out. The leadership of this political party lost a golden opportunity to show good leadership and concern for all Guyanese, regardless of ethnicity. The leadership should have known of the peaceful protest taking place, and have a presence there to prevent or discourage the hooligan elements in the crowd from asserting themselves.
Actually, some “political leaders” were saying that it is normal for looting and destruction of property to happen during a protest. Those types of comments by political leaders only served to embolden the rioters into believing they had the political support of popular politicians.

Jonathan Yearwood