Traffic lights are still not working

Dear Editor,
In March, I wrote to point out that the traffic lights controlling the junction of the Rupert Craig Highway and Sheriff Street were not working. These lights are still not working.
In response to my letter, a section of the media invited a comment from Chief Works Officer, Mr Geoffrey Vaughn, who said that these lights would be replaced within a few weeks. More than two months have elapsed since then.
I also referred to the fact that the traffic lights controlling the junction of the Ogle Airport Road and the Railway Embankment Road have been left permanently flashing even at peak traffic hours.
Both of these situations are extremely dangerous but, it seems, continue to be ignored in spite of Mr Vaughn’s promises. When, may I ask, will the Public Infrastructure Ministry have these lights operational or do we have to wait for someone to be seriously maimed or killed?

Yours sincerely,
Kit Nascimento