Home News UG to host historic virtual graduations for 2500 in March
A total of 2500 graduands from 50 different disciplines will graduate from the University of Guyana (UG) in a series of online graduation events at the end of March 2021, according to a statement from the university.
Those attending the event will be part of several historic events, including the first cohort of UG-trained PhDs from the Doctorate in Biodiversity programme.
Four virtual graduation ceremonies will be held for students who have completed the requirements for the academic year 2019/2020. The graduations will be held on March 19, 20, 26, and 27, 2021. Graduands will be grouped according to disciplines. The graduations will combine graduands from across the university’s two campuses.
UG said that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of prospective graduands this year is set to break last year’s graduation record of 2133 by 367 or 17 per cent. Owing to the need to conduct business in safe mode in prevailing COVID-19 conditions, graduands will participate through a virtual march of graduate portraits to be taken in advance as well as through a live online interface.
A record number of attendees are expected at this year’s graduations, since given the online nature of the event there will be no limit to the number of invitees a graduand may bring along. The University has graduated upwards of 50,000 graduates in its 58-year existence. Many of them have gone on to serve at the highest levels nationally and internationally.
The annual graduation exercise is a highlight on UG’s calendar of institutional events, since it provides not only an opportunity for celebrating the efforts of students, lecturers, families, and supporters but for stirring graduation speeches from valedictorians and high-profile keynote speakers.