Unite to achieve genuine change for progress, lasting development – GAWU

It is truly remarkable to reflect on the significance of attaining republican status for our nation, which occurred 54 years ago. This momentous occasion marked the final shedding of our colonial linkages and ushered in a new era of true independence for our country. It was a significant step for us as a nation, following our Independence in 1966, and one that was intended to solidify our independent status further and strengthen our nationhood by appointing a President, elected by the people, as our Head of State; this step and other Constitutional reforms cemented our independent status. Today, we continue to remember this historic event with pride and gratitude for the sacrifices and efforts of those who made it possible.
On this significant anniversary of Republicanism, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) extends its heartfelt greetings to our nation. While we acknowledge the strides we have made in various socio-economic aspects over the past half a century, we recognise that there is still work to be done. The struggle for economic transformation and a reasonable standard of living continues, but we remain steadfast in our pursuit of progress for all Guyanese.
The GAWU acknowledges that disunity is still one of our society’s most persistent problems, hindering progress and development. GAWU believes this issue significantly impacts our society, and we observe several national leaders stoking these tensions rather than dousing the flames. Indeed, such attitudes are unfortunate and call into question the sincerity of those so-called leaders. Our Union believes there is a need to take a mature and responsible approach to address it. The union urges our leaders to work towards unifying the country, which is generally recognised as a necessary step towards achieving progress and development.
As we commemorate our nation’s republican status, we acknowledge that we stand at the threshold of unprecedented economic progress in the post-independence era. The prospect of reaping the benefits of our natural resources fills our people with optimism and hope. However, we cannot ignore the valid concerns expressed by some members of our society. We must strike a balance between meeting the expectations of our citizens and securing a sustainable future for our country. We recognise that our newfound wealth must be utilised in the best interest of all Guyanese if we continue developing and building a more robust and prosperous Guyana for present and future generations.
The GAWU calls on all citizens of Guyana to play an active role in our country’s development and not be led astray by irresponsible persons who seek to thwart our progress. As the Mashramani celebrations take place to mark this significant occasion, we must remember our duties as responsible citizens to work towards a prosperous and progressive future that benefits everyone in our nation. We must unite and struggle to achieve genuine change that leads to all-round progress and lasting development in our beloved country. Let us celebrate this occasion and remember our shared responsibility to build a better future for all Guyanese.
A happy, peaceful Republic Anniversary and Mashramani 2024 to all!