Home News Vanderhyden praises bicycle patrol as effective mean in fighting crime
E Division (Linden-Kwakwani) Commander Anthony Vanderhyden believes that the implementation of bicycle patrols in several areas in Linden has been beneficial in the fight against crime in those areas.
Presently, the Division has 10 bicycle patrols that operate in Central Mackenzie, Amelia’s Ward and Wismar.
Five are based at Central Mackenzie, two at Amelia’s Ward, and three at Wismar. They operate during the day, taking reports associated with traffic cases and minor matters such as physical fights.
Vanderhyden said the patrols are also in close contact with the nearest Police Station via radio sets in the instance of more serious cases, noting that in such cases, the necessary personnel are sent to the scene.
“The bicycle patrol is very effective, especially in the commercial [areas] and places where hire cars would operate. They are able to deal with situations on the spot, congestion, accepting of reports. Anything more than them, they will call to the main station,” the Commander added.
Recently, as part of a countrywide initiative, the Linden bicycle patrols were outfitted in new special uniforms which make them more identifiable.
The Commander said the initiative was also in keeping with the Force’s policy and would help to foster good Police public relations in an effort to fight crime.
“This is an initiative of our Commissioner and it is a change for the Division…it’s a new look so that we can have that partnership with the members of the public in dealing with crime. So, this new look in Linden, it helps in being more identifiable and fostering better relations,” he said. (Utamu Belle)