A 21-year-old welder of Shell Road, Kitty, Georgetown was on Thursday remanded to prison for murder committed on 23-year-old Kwal Dindon.
Dead: Kwal Dindon (Newsroom photo)
Mark Doliveira, called “Buck boy”, was not required to plead to the charge when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The Police have said that between June 19 and 20, 2021, at Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown, Doliveira murdered Kwal Dindon, also known as “Coolie boy”. The accused killer will return to court on July 16.
It was reported that on June 19, 2021, Dindon and two friends attended a birthday party at Sandy Babb Street, where an argument broke out between him and Doliveira.
Doliveira left the scene, but Dindon armed himself with a piece of wood, and in the company of his friends, they went after him.
Doliveira was eventually cornered by Dindon and his friends, and was dealt several lashes about his body. In retaliation, he reportedly whipped out a knife from his pants waist and stabbed Dindon to his right-side upper back.
In a bid to escape, the injured Dindon reportedly ran into a nearby yard, where he collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious. He was taken to the public hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
He died the following day while receiving treatment. A post mortem examination showed that Dindon died from shock and haemorrhage due to stab wounds.
Following the incident, Doliveira and two of the late Dindon’s friends and another male were arrested. The chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has advised that Doliveira be charged with murder after reviewing the Police file.