What a country!

Dear Editor,
The man with the pushcart music soon changed the tune from one with lyrics supportive of APNU/AFC to one supportive of the PPP/C as that party’s Nominations Day entourage approached the Umana Yana.  A few hundred APNU/AFC supporters still “hung out” outside the Umana Yana, mostly behind the police barricades despite being encouraged by party officials to go back to Parade Ground. The majority had left the area by this time. APNU /AFC had earlier submitted its list of nominees.
All this took place free of any incident. In fact, two men with APNU/AFC shirts and flags in hand actually helped clear the way to help to make room for the PPP/C supporters to assemble. Soon, PPP/C supporters were behind the barriers themselves, only to access the same vendors who were earlier doing bright business with APNU/AFC supporters.  I also saw some PPP/C and APNU/AFC supporters greet each other, in friendship.
And then as I drove toward Carifesta Avenue, there were scores of APNU/AFC and PPP/C supporters, all decked out in their party colours, waiting to catch public transportation, minibuses of any colour, to return to their normal lives. All this with little or no attention being paid to the other parties, some 17 of them, I’m not sure.
Oh beautiful Guyana. What a country!

Brian Kirton