Home Letters What would this Granger Govt be best remembered for?
Dear Editor,
The Granger Government would best be remembered for its lies, innuendos and most certainly, lavish and extravagant lifestyle, and I make that brief but comprehensive appraisal of their track record in office and power. The fact is this Government says things that on the surface level looks good, but in reality, it is virtual trash talk. The situation gets worse as General Election draws nearer when this Government now finds it convenient to dole out another set of promises of the “good life”. It is either Granger is losing his mind, or he believes Guyanese are a pack of fools.
You cannot tell me that you were in power for nine years and still promise Guyanese a good life when the people are experiencing what you were doing these nine long years? You would have noticed that I said nine and not five years because that is the time, they wielded power in Parliament, 2011-2020. So, for nine long years, they fattened themselves on the good of the land while most of the people lived on the edges of society. This is the poor and distressing legacy they caused this country to endure. So, for brevity purposes I shall highlight the horrible life we were forced to endure these last five (5) years:
1. Soon after taking office they closed four sugar estates putting over 7000 persons out of jobs
2. They fired 2000 plus more of our Amerindian brothers and sisters
3. Took away the $10,000 “Because we care” cash grant to poor single-parent families.
4. Robbed civil servants of the much-needed pay rise and reduced or either took away other social allowances
5. Took away the Joint Servants Christmas bonuses and replaced it with more idle promises.
6. Paid millions into the ill-equipped and structurally unsound “D’Urban Park Project”
7. Squandered millions and continue to squander millions more in all, and I repeat all capital infrastructural projects such as the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Project, The East Coast and West Coast Road Developments. The East Bank and West Bank roads as well as the East Coast to East Bank Bypass Roads project. Not forgetting The Amaila Falls HEP Mega Project.
8. The decommissioning of the Ministry of Labour and replacing it with a “Department of Labour” and a Minister who is clueless as to what constitutes labour and labour relations. No wonder we are burdened with so many massive layoffs and labour unrests in the bauxite, gold and logging industries for starters.
9. We have over 200 new taxes and restrictions on ordinary taxpayers as the meagre and distressing existence we have already borne becomes more distressing.
10. While all of this is going on the PNC-led coalition raised their salaries and emoluments by over 50 per cent when compounded will amount to over a 100 per cent increase. So while the nation grovels in the dust, its Government wines and dines and dance on their graves.
Like I said, Granger is now making all kinds of promises to the electorate as he seeks to hunt around for votes. The latest of these is the promise of land to the sugar workers whom he so vindictively fired when he closed those sugar estates. His arbitrary closure of the sugar estates with no backup plan for the employment of those displaced workers was the most horrible and inhumane thing Granger could have done to those hardworking people and we will not forget. Even the payment of their severance (which was reluctantly given) came one whole year later. So, this latest ploy of a land giveaway to the jobless sugar workers is the most blatant form of con-artistry, Granger has to do better than that, we are more aware of our situation now than when they bamboozled us with those lies prior to 2015. We can see them for who they are now, we can see through them like transparent glass. Finally, we say down with the lies you cannot fool us again Granger. It would be very hard to convince anyone with those newfound lies far less to accrue votes.
Neil Adams