When hunting elephants, do not be distracted by rabbits

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter written by Mark Benschop and published in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, May 14, 2017.

What a venomous and vituperative outpouring of ad hominem diatribe that was! Upon reflection, I am happy that I provided an outlet for the toxicity. Any receptacle of such level of poison must contaminate itself after a while.

Mr Benschop used the occasion to heap at my feet every allegation of wrongdoing ever made against the PPP government. The fact that I was in government for only two and a half years was deliberately omitted.  As regards the allegations made against me personally, he must recognise that despite all his rantings of wrongs which I allegedly committed, all the coalition government can charge me with is US$2000 worth of law books — a charge which the prosecutors, in effect, conceded was instituted without evidence, and one which they are now fishing for evidence to support. That the charge will be dismissed I am in no doubt.

Rather than accept that the treason charge against him was a product of his foolish and clumsy bravado, Mr Benschop blames the world. I maintain that in a normal society with a fair and unbiased jury, Mr Benschop would not only have been convicted of treason, but he would have been charged and convicted of manslaughter in respect of the person whom he aided, abetted, counselled and procured on a loud hailer to “break down the gates [Office of the President gates] and take over the place”. The evidence was clear, cogent, compelling and uncontroverted.

Mr Robert Corbin was so right when he warned this nation to beware of “certain wild men” — who are not only public nuisances, but whose agenda is only to cause social unrest and public disorder in this land.

I have neither the energy nor the time to further engage lumpens like Mark Benschop, so this will be my final response in this matter. I will adhere to the advice of a former U.S. President, who said, “When you are hunting elephants, you must not be distracted by rabbits”.

Yours faithfully,

Mohabir Anil Nandlall,

