Home Letters When would this Govt, GECOM recognize that elections must be called?
Dear Editor,
The question is: When would GECOM, and especially this PNC-led Coalition, come to the stark reality that Guyana must have General and Regional Elections? That is the question on everyone’s mind. And may I add: When would GECOM and this Government stop the delaying tactics and get on with the people’s business of conducting a free and fair election and one that is free from fear in this country?
These are all pertinent and searching questions, the answers to which are, up to now, not forthcoming from these two entities. All we are getting thus far are excuses after excuses, too numerous to mention.
It is high time this foolishness comes to an end.
September 18th, 2019, like the morning sun, looms bright and clear on the horizon; yet we are locked in gloom as the burdensome weight of a PNC Government, through its instrument GECOM, keeps us head-locked in foolish and nonsensical arguments, while we are no closer to experiencing the dawn of a new day; a fresh start.
We want elections! The Constitution and the people say so, and theirs is the only voice that matters!
Next Wednesday would mark another deadline that would have come and gone all because a Government is hiding behind some ludicrous excuses and refuses to meet the electorate. Guyana has laws, and our country is supposed to be governed by a Constitution. That Constitution states emphatically in Articles 106 (6) and (7) what ought to be done when a government falls.
It is nine months to the date, and the dictates of the law have neither been honoured nor respected. Why is this so? It then becomes clear that this Government is most fearful. And why should they be? Why the fear? Why the apprehension? Is it that they see defeat coming?
The head of this Coalition Government is supposed to be an ex-army man; he should then stand like the brave and go back to the people who brought him to power in the first place. Why the cowardice? Do not this President and his Government know that they have to face the electorate after the successful passage of a No-Confidence Motion?
Yes, they are well aware of this. So let us get on with the nation’s business, sir.
Any Government — and this one is no different — when you have done your work, you must face the electorate for a fresh mandate to continue the “good work” started four year ago.
Then I say: Let us get a clear evaluation of that work, whether good or bad, from the perspective of general election!
Neil Adams