Dear Editor,
It is with great dismay that I observed the presence of no less than six Ministers of Guyana’s Government in attendance as ‘observers’ during proceedings at the Caribbean Court of Justice.
None of these Ministers is directly involved in any of the cases being heard.
Christopher Ram has already raised a valid question of taxpayers funding this cheerleading exercise.
What concerns me most is the early corruption of two new Members of Parliament (MP) and Ministers, namely, Ministers Tabitha Sarabo-Halley (Public Service) and Hemraj Rajkumar (Business).
These two Ministers have only been appointed two weeks ago, it is not unreasonable for the taxpaying citizens to expect service given the hefty remuneration and benefits packages that accompany the job. However, the two Ministers find themselves in the viewing gallery of the CCJ and not performing the functions of their offices.
Instead of immediate focus on the job, these two Ministers have been handed titles and asked to perform political acts instead of honest labour to deliver service to the people of Guyana.
Editor, this pattern of corruption where political favours are asked of appointees and agencies is very much a feature of the Granger Administration with attending consequences. Familiarity breeds contempt. It has in the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU), where the use of the agency for political witch hunting led to employees becoming corrupt by the thought of favours owed for partisan actions taken. It does not take much extrapolation to reach the conclusion that two new Ministers now feel special consideration is now owed for overt support given in person at the Caribbean Court of Justice.
The irony of being asked to perform a political act does them great harm and that point is sadly lost on them or perhaps refusal was not an option.
Roodi Balgobin