Woman caught trying to smuggle ganja in sneakers into prison

A young woman of ‘C’ Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown is now in Police custody after she was caught attempting to smuggle cannabis concealed in a pair of sneakers into the Camp Street Prison in Georgetown on Wednesday.
The 21-year-old woman was apprehended at around 14:15h at the prison, where she had gone to deliver the item to an inmate. Upon her arrival, prison authorities conducted a search of the black plastic bag she was carrying along with the item. During the inspection, they discovered a quantity of leaves, seeds, and stems suspected to be cannabis hidden under the soles of the sneakers.
The suspect was informed of the find and subsequently arrested. She was then taken, along with the seized narcotics, to the Alberttown Police Station.

The cannabis that was being smuggled into the prison in the shoes

In response to this smuggling attempt, Director of Prisons Nicklon Elliot emphasised that smuggling contraband into a correctional facility is a felony with severe consequences. He urged civilians to recognize the risks they pose to themselves, society, inmates, and officers when engaging in contraband trade within the prison walls. Additionally, Elliot commended the prison officers at the location for their vigilance and prompt action.
Only last year, the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) introduced a “Stop and Search” initiative within the confines of each prison location, aiming to end the continued flow of contraband being smuggled into the prisons.
The Director of Prisons has warned that members of the public found colluding in trafficking contraband into the various prisons countrywide would be arrested and placed before the courts.
He also mentioned attempts by members of the public to throw contraband items over the prison fences. Elliot said that while there is increased monitoring and surveillance at all prison locations, it has been observed that several attempts were being made by members of the public to throw contraband (narcotics and cigarettes) over the prison fences.
As such, he indicated that the GPS has erected signs at strategic points outside of the prisons, warning the public to desist, and detailing the consequences attached to such an act.
Further, Elliot mentioned that the Prison Administration and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) have started engaging residents living in close proximity to the various prisons about the situation. He also added that a built-up civilian population living in close proximity to the prisons would have contributed to the increased contraband items being smuggled into the prisons. (G9)