There are several health- related observances that occur during the month of April, and they are all meant to bring awareness and action to the specific issues highlighted during that time:
* Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Month is observed throughout
the month;
* 07 – World Health Day; and
* 28 – World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
World Health Day is observed every year on April 07, under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as other related organizations. Over the past 50 years, this observance has brought to light important health issues such as mental health, maternal and child care, and climate change. The celebration is marked by activities which extend beyond the day itself, and the day serves as an opportunity to focus worldwide attention on these important aspects of global health.
In 2020, World Health Day is being celebrated under the theme “Support Nurses and Midwives”. This theme focuses on the critical role played by nurses and midwives in providing health care around the world, and calls for strengthening the nursing and midwifery workforce.
Did you know?
Nurses and midwives account for nearly 50% of the professional health workforce.
A critical time for health care
In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global health care system has been placed under tremendous pressure as the numbers of infected persons and deaths continue to escalate. Therefore, during this World Health Day, we pause to salute not only nurses and midwives in Guyana, but all healthcare providers. They play a vital part not only in providing and managing personal care and treatment, but even more critical in the fight against disease and infection. Our healthcare workers are currently at the forefront battling this dreaded virus.
The healthcare workers need our help
In this new decade, the healthcare systems globally are being stretched beyond their capacities. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, we are reminded that our role in curbing the spread and brining the pandemic to an end is vital.
The nurses and healthcare professionals can’t do it alone, let us follow the recommendations made by the experts to:
o Practice social distancing;
o Wash our hands properly and frequently;
o Use hand sanitizers;
o Cover our coughs and sneezes; and
o Call the authorities if you are not feeling well, and let them advise you.
Your environment matters
The value of a clean and healthy environment cannot be overstated. While you are at home:
o Clean and sanitize your house;
o Clean your yards and drains;
o Choose reusable over disposal items;
o Start working on that kitchen garden; and
o Plant some flowers to beautify your yard.
Remember, a healthy environment is good for your physical as well as your mental health. It can save you and your family a visit to the doctor. A clean and healthy environment goes beyond COVID-19; it can protect us from contracting or spreading even some common illnesses.
Occupational Safety and Health Month
Owing to the current global pandemic caused by COVID-19, OSH Month observance in Guyana has been changed to reflect the seriousness of the situation. The Ministry of Social Protection, Department of Labour, which has the mandate for organizing activities, has urged all workers to be aware, prepare, and take action. The EPA has been following the guidelines for sanitization and social distancing, as recommended by the WHO and the Ministry of Public Health.
Remember to protect yourselves and others!