$10B investment at Palmyra to create urban development shift – Ali

…1200 homes to be constructed in Region 6

In order to realise the new regional and urban development shift, Government will be building 700 homes at Palmyra with supplementary infrastructural works totalling some $10 billion.
President Irfaan Ali on Thursday evening inspected the housing programme in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), where he noted that a massive investment is being realised.
In his announcement, the Head of State shared that the robust housing programme will see significant transformation and new opportunities for the region.
This urban hub will be established to international standards, where a stadium, hotel, malls and massive private gated communities are to be developed.
“We’re hoping to build 700 homes there between young professionals, moderate income and low-income homes. Part of the major transformative project also includes expansion of the road to the new four-lane highway. This will also commence this year.”
“You’re looking at $7 billion investment (for construction) and a next $3 billion in infrastructure. That’s $10 billion…Imagine what that will do for the local and regional economy,” Ali disclosed.
Intentions are to complete the stadium by the end of 2025 and the cost will be known by the ending of this month. For now, land clearing has commenced. Supporting such initiatives are private partnerships, which will kick start as early as March. In every region, the President highlighted that the deployment of local skills takes priority.

Job creation
A massive agenda to construct 1200 homes in Region Six this year will create a boom in the sector and open some 6000 jobs for just the construction phase.
“Our intention in the region this year is to build another 1200 houses across the region. That would see maybe close to 6000 skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the housing sector alone. That is just the building of homes. I’m not speaking about the infrastructure development, roads, bridges. That by itself creates a huge demand,” Dr Ali said during the walkabout.
At Fort Ordinance, 200 moderate income homes were built. Utilities have already been installed and proper roads are in the works. This project carries a price tag of $1.8 billion and some 700 persons benefitted from employment.
“The infrastructural investment alone in Fort Ordinance was about $800 million. If you look at the investment in houses, it’s about $1 billion. All of this was completed in one year. Two hundred homes and $1.8 billion investment…We have allocations for the homes so you will have 200 families moving in here at the same time.”
In Hampshire, another 100 homes were built in 2022, giving direct employment to over 400 persons.
“These are all small contractors, small builders that are part of the building programme. This is massive transformation that is taking place not only in Region Four and Region Three, but right here in Region Six,” he stressed.
The Guyanese Leader pointed out that materials management has been a difficulty for the Administration, along with adequate skills to meet demands.
Meanwhile, Regional Chairman David Armogan lauded the level of works being undertaken in the region.
“Many people in the past would have said that Region Six is a forgotten place but we’re seeing today that the Government is placing a lot of emphasis on infrastructure works and all kinds of works that is happening in the region. Our people are very pleased and elated. Our people are very satisfied with what we have seen,” Armogan shared.
Throughout Region Six, some 537 roads have been fixed and another 133 are under construction. Bugbears facing communities for many years are now been remedied, the Regional Chairman noted. (G12)