In about a week’s time, several young, energetic and well groomed men and women will take to the stage to compete for the title of Miss and Mister African Roots Pageant 2017. This is the third year for the pageant and it will be held in two categories – Young Adults and Teens. This year the promoters are making sure that the delegates are all ready to entertain their fans to the max when the pageant is held next weekend. On Friday, the teenagers will take to the stage, followed by the young adults on Saturday. In the teen category, six young ladies and five young men will compete in several segments, including introduction, country presentation, creative wear, talent, intelligence and evening wear. In the Young Adults category, seven guys will compete for top honours, while six girls will do the same. The pageant is set to be held in the auditorium of Queen’s College. The pageant, however, is a part of a week of activities aimed at reviving the African culture and will include a debate competition, an african food fest, fashion show and art exhibition, a dance competition and others.