4th annual “Digicel Triple Treat” for March 31

The 4th edition of the “Digicel Triple Treat” was recently launched with the unveiling of the names of several top cricket teams that will be part of the event this year. The “Triple Treat” as usual includes a 10/10 softball cricket competition, a duck curry competition and the bacchanal or after party.

Steven Ramphal

The preliminary round of the cricket completion has already begun with the four top teams making their way to the grand semi-final and final set for the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground on March 31. The semi-final is expected to commence at 14:00h followed by the grand stage show at 20:00h.
The winners of the cricket competition will walk away with $350,000, while the second place winner will collect $200,000. The third place finisher will bag $100,000 and the fourth place winner will collect $75,000. The Man-of-the-March, the batsman with the highest run rate and the bower with the most wickets will collect $30,000 each.
During the final of the cricket competition, the duck meat will be on the fire. Those cooking fanatics will be allowed to marinate their duck meat at home and bring it to the ground where stoves and utensils will be provided.

Sally Sagram

The mixture of the spices will be done at the venue before a well experience panel of judges. The judging of the duck curry competition will be done on the afternoon of March 31. The winner of the duck competition will collect $200,000; the second place winners, $150,000; third place winners, $100,000 and the 4th spot winners will receive $75,000. The team with the best presentation will bag $40,000.
Meanwhile, when the sun sets, the stage will come alive for the live performances of reigning Chutney Monarch and first runner-up in the Carib Soca Monarch, Steven Ramphal. He will share the stage with Trinidadian Chutney sensation, Sally Sagram.
The event is sponsored by Banks DIH, GUY Gas and Beharry Indi Curry Powder.