APNU/AFC MPs should work to represent the views of people who voted for them

Dear Editor,
APNU+AFC’s representation of the people who voted for them should begin in Parliament. They have been elected to sit on the Opposition benches and make a serious contribution to the discourse on matters of national importance.
To date, there has been an awful lot of puerile behaviour, and very little substance from those benches. The use of the racial epithet ‘house negro’ in the abuse of the Personal Assistant to the Speaker, Ean McPherson, is but one example. Why then would a private organisation invite this group to the Energy Conference? What positives do they bring to the table? We know the negatives.
Editor, I would humbly suggest that the APNU+AFC Members of Parliament work to first represent the views of the people who voted for them, and then on earning the salaries and perks of office as provided by taxpayers, before they seek the additional privilege of free entry to private events.

Robin Singh