Attack on PSC

Dear Editor,
The Private Sector Commission (PSC) notes the disclosure in the media of internal correspondence of the Commission with the obvious intention of causing public mischief.
The Council of the Private Sector Commission today met to consider this matter and unanimously agreed that it is the duty and responsibility of the Commission to represent, not only the interest of the business community, but the overall interest of the country and its people in addressing matters of public concern and importance without fear or favour to any political party, whether in or out of Government.
The Private Sector Commission recognises and will defend the democratic right of any of its individual members to express their views publicly, as they deem fit, on any matter of their choosing and will defend their right to do so.
The history of the Private Sector Commission will record that the Commission has always spoken out in defence of democracy as an advocate for the respect of the Constitution, for compliance with the rule of law and for the stability of our country. The Private Sector Commission will continue to do so.
The Private Sector Commission will continue to speak openly, frankly and truthfully on any and all matters which impact upon the economic development, good governance and political stability of our country.
The PSC will continue to call a spade a spade. As a national institution, the PSC must stand by the Constitution, law and order and good governance. The PSC’s status and values are derived from its responsibility to take the lead and not be distracted by persons or organisations that set out to achieve the opposite to our values.

History must record that we stood for the correct principles of law and order and compliance with the Constitution. The PSC stands strong and united in its determination to continue advocating for the creation of a conducive and enabling business environment.
The Private Sector Commission notes that one our members, Mr Kit Nascimento, has been singled out and targeted for the views he expressed in a letter published in the media on February 13, 2019, in defence of the Commission.
The Commission fully endorses the facts laid out in Mr Nascimento’s letter and that “the PSC’s mandate is to insist on adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law by all of the political parties”.

Private Sector Commission