Attempts to discredit work, lots remain to be done

Dear Editor,
Since the 69th Sitting of the 10th Parliament in February, 2014, and a motion to appoint members to the Ethnic Relations Commission and subsequent work between the National Assembly and the Standing Committee, the ERC members were selected by their respective constituencies and sworn in as Commissioners by then President David Granger.
I took particular pain to point out the mechanism adopted to engage this process, as both the Opposition and Government of the day worked hand in hand to bring this process to fruition. I commend them.
My humble and honoured service in the ERC emanated from the discussed and agreed-to positions from Indigenous organisations and their constituencies.
The notorious notion that the ERC had lost its way, is dysfunctional, and is not fulfilling its mandate is a distant stretch from reality. I strongly disagree with this fabricated concept of the ERC. The ERC, even though birthed from political infractions of the past, must not be deemed to be politically guided, and should concentrate on promoting ethnic harmony and ethnic security and good relations in Guyana.
The claims by some members of the Commission, who peddle the self-enrichment, being dysfunctional, opportunistic themes, have, in my opinion, ulterior motives. I have given diligent service to my country and people, communally, nationally, internationally, which equates with the global sense. Being a recipient and honoured as a Paul Harris Fellow by International Human Service Organisations is the highest honour for giving back to humanity. I respect that, and, as honoured, I gave my full service to my constituency and people of Guyana through the office of Commissioner on the Ethnic Relations Commission.
Credit is bestowed on my fellow Amerindian and non-Amerindian Guyanese who kept their sober senses and resisted the temptation of flaring into hate and savagery during our country’s challenging times, but instead enwrapped themselves into a protective cocoon and demonstrated love and compassion for each other.
It is saddening to realise that the ERC fell victim to the dark crevasse of suspicion, distrust, pretense, undermining, disrespect, which finally proved to be the menu to self-destruct. Through all this, the Indigenous sector stood strong, and I commend them. As the representative for nine Indigenous Nations, namely, the Patamonas, Arawaks, Arekuna, Wai-Wai, Warau, Akawaio, Caribs, Makushi and the Wapishanas, I must compliment them for steering themselves out of harm’s way.
So, work was done among these Nations, hard work too, not only by the Indigenous Representative, but by all the Commissioners. I can proudly say that all Regions where Indigenous peoples live were visited by the ERC. However, even though this was the case, it was not enough, much more work needs to be done. The logistics and financial demands create a challenge for continued access and implementation.
It was peddled by some ERC Commissioners that the Commission failed to deliver. I cannot challenge that assumption, as maybe within their constituency some Commissioners failed. But I humbly seek clarity and identity on these areas of failure before pasting the entire Commission as dysfunctional, lost, opportunistic, self-enriching and visionless. If, for some reason, some in the Commission do not want to commend and celebrate their achievements, I seek redress for the Indigenous bodies. The Indigenous bodies are not lost or dysfunctional, we stand tall.
Notwithstanding the many calls I received from persons seeking an answer for my seemingly cowering stance in the midst of the mudslinging factions, I simply advised that getting on to the dirt road will not help our peoples, it will weaken us.
There was no hostile or violent reaction to calls for our boats and engines, bridges and other infrastructure to be destroyed or taken away. The ERC was established to function in the best interest of Guyana, through creating and promoting a harmonious relationship between all RACES AND PEOPLES OF GUYANA. Indigenous Peoples stood then, and still stand, by that principle.
I have given sterling service to the Indigenous Sector and Guyana through the ERC. The Indigenous peoples, even in high office, have respected and cooperated with the ERC. I am not just articulating on a windy cloud, as reality will prove that our current Deputy Speaker of the House was hauled before the ERC and his full cooperation was welcomed and appreciated by the ERC. When other constituencies were baffled as to how to handle their sector, The Indigenous peoples demonstrated how. For this I sincerely thank our Deputy Speaker, an unprecedented example of working together to achieve love and harmony.
The Ethnic Relations Commission as a team visited Kanashen, Lethem, Aishalton, Mabaruma, Port Kaituma, Moruca, Paramakatoi, Mahdia, Bartica, Kamarang, Orealla/Siparuta, Anna Regina, Annai, Surama, Karasabai and Cotton Tree. Visited and collaborated with Govt. Ministries, financial institution, religious bodies, disciplined forces; met with Indigenous bodies and organisations, African bodies and organisations, Muslim bodies and organisations, Hindu bodies and organisations, factories. Hosted workshops, National Conversations, produced ERC play “I AM US”, launched Harmony Campaign, Produced ERC Colouring Books, engaged political parties on elections and code of cConduct, engaged stakeholders through film festivals and National Expos.
In summary, interventions were made in Region 1 – 7 times, Region 2 – 1 time, Region 3 – 4 times, Region 4 – 20 times, Region 5 – 1 time, Region 6 – 15 times, Region 7 – 3 times, Region 8 – 2 times, Region 9 – 2 times. Each of these 55 (fifty-five) activities can be authenticated with the ERC. So, the ERC functioned and delivered on a plotted course, and never lost its way.
I cannot fail to commend the work of the ERC staff. The Amerindian constituency recognise their hard work and sterling input into making the work of the Commissioners doable. I hope other Commissioners who were on track, not lost, and have done work in the fields with their support and genius planning strategies commend them.
Finally, there are many outstanding Commissioners on the ERC who deserve not to be ridiculed or intimidated by ones writing to the President and Prime Minister of Guyana and Ministers of the Government, inclusive of the Deputy Speaker. Guyana has no place for mediocre projections, Guyana has taken an ambitious course to mould Guyanese, Guyanese of differing ethnic groups, to join the wagon of peace, love and harmony, so that as a nation we can achieve together. Only then can we be ‘One People, One Nation with One Destiny’.

Ashton Simon