Berbice residents complain of high meter readings, water quality
Residents of Sheet Anchor Village in East Canje, Berbice (Region Six: East Berbice-Corentyne) have complained bitterly about receiving water with high iron content and about high meter readings, issues that the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has pledged to look into.
After listening to the various concerns, GWI Managing Director Dr Richard Van West-Charles reassured customers that GWI is committed to delivering potable water of World Health Organisation (WHO) standards.
GWI Managing Director Dr Richard Van West-Charles addressing residents at Sheet Anchor in East Berbice
This engagement took place at a GWI public meeting held at the Fort Ordnance Primary School in the East Canje area.
With regard to the water quality, GWI will be flushing all lines and introducing SeaQuest, a product that would remove the presence of iron in the water so as to significantly improve its quality. This product will serve as a temporary solution, even as a treatment plant is being constructed in the Sheet Anchor community.
Additionally, in light of the testimonies provided by residents, GWI management will explore waiving a portion of the outstanding debt to reflect their normal rates.
It was also agreed at the meeting that residents would begin paying a metered rate only once they are satisfied with the quality of water being received following the implementation of SeaQuest.
Dr Van West-Charles further informed them that “GWI will continue to install meters in the area due to the agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank.”
GWI is also moving to meter the entire country.
According to the GWI Executive Director of Operations, Mr Dwayne Shako, “Prior to the upgrading and installation of water meters, GWI’s Customer Field Representatives will be visiting residences and businesses to verify account information, in order to update or correct accounts on the GWI database.
“We are appealing to all customers to cooperate with the GWI staff and contractors conducting the survey and those conducting the upgrades, since the programme will significantly improve the service provided by GWI,” Shako said.
GWI is appealing to all domestic and commercial customers to support its countrywide “Metering Programme,” as the company continues to aim towards metering 100 percent of its customers.
GWI wishes to advise that, in the production of treated water, the company adheres strictly to WHO standards.