Govt and GuySuCo are working in partnership to reopen Rose Hall Estate

Dear Editor,
GuySuCo is pleased to respond to Andrew Singh’s letter which was published in the Wednesday, 15th February 2023 edition of Guyana Times under the title “Is Govt being misled by GuySuCo?”
First, the Corporation wishes to thank the writer for his letter, but reassures all Guyanese that the Government of Guyana and the leadership of GuySuCo are working in partnership on the reopening of the Rose Hall Estate, as stated by the Hon Minister Zulifkar Mustapha during his 2023 Budget Presentation. Therefore, any suggestion that GuySuCo is misleading the Government with regards to this project is not factual.
The Corporation therefore takes this opportunity to outline some of the steps that have thus far been taken as GuySuCo moves closer to the reopening of the Rose Hall Estate, after its abrupt closure in 2017 by the then APNU/AFC Government.
As at 16th February 2023, the Management of the Rose Hall Estate is happy to report, 73% of the Factory has been completed, and testing of equipment is an ongoing feature, with an integrated test scheduled to commence in July of this year. The conduct of work utilising subject area experts is a normal intervention, more so for equipment such as turbines that have been left without any decommissioning. The presence of experts and OEM personnel on-site to conduct maintenance work is a demonstration of the commitment of the GuySuCo staff to achieve the mandate of the stakeholders. GuySuCo wishes to assure Mr. Singh that such intervention is deemed necessary to ensure the highest level of workmanship and Occupational Safety Standards.
A summary of the major works – civil and structural – completed in the factory to date include rehabilitation of the cane gantry, pre-milling, milling, boiler and process house roofing, replacement of #4 vacuum pan, condensers structures, #2 chimney, and servicing of all equipment.
A summary of the completed works is as follows: the pre- milling and milling sections are 90% complete; works on the boilers are 60% complete; the processing house is 70% completed, power-generation is 75% completed, pumps are currently being serviced, and more that 80% of the electrical works have been completed. Some other spares for the pre-milling, including carrier slats, will be delivered by the overseas supplier by the end of Feb 2023.
These accomplishments are in keeping with the affirmation given by the Hon Minister that Rose Hall Estate will be reopened in the second crop of 2023.
Further, recruitment of field and factory workers commenced since early 2021, and this employment drive will continue throughout this year, with the objective to hire all of its employees from Canje and the adjoining communities.
The Estate is pleased to report that the fields are planted; canes are maturing favourably, and will be ready for harvesting in time for the second crop of 2023.
In addition, since taking office, the Rose Hall Estate Manager has met with staff and workers of various departments, during which plans and strategies were outlined. It is important to note that engagement of employees is an ongoing process, and involved teams from Head Office as well.
Both the Government of Guyana and the Guyana Sugar Corporation are pleased with the pace at which the rehabilitation exercise is progressing at the Rose Hall Estate, and take this opportunity to appeal to all Guyanese to appreciate that the task of reopening Rose Hall Estate, while enormous, will be achieved.

Yours Sincerely,
V Gobardhan
Estate Manager