GPSU now represents MMA-ADA workers following signing of MoA

The Mahaica Mahaicony Abary-Agricultural Development Authority (MMA-ADA) and the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) guarantying the entities mutual grounds for the recognition, avoidance and settlement of disputes.

GPSU First Vice President, Dawn Gardener and General Manager of the MMA-ADA, Aubrey Charles display the MoA

The MoA signing also ensures that the GPSU regains its position as the sole bargaining agent for the Authority. This was according to GPSU First Vice President, Dawn Gardener during the signing exercise at the Ministry of Social Protection, Department of Labour.
Gardener, in recognising the accomplishment of the agencies, noted that the MoA stands as the first step towards the development of MMA-ADA, given that the Union is now solely responsible for ensuring the rights of these public servants.
“The Guyana Public Service Union is proud today in signing this [recognition] agreement with the MMA and history will have it, it’s not the first agreement because the Union was once the bargaining for the workers at MMA….but the Union has now regained its position as it relates to the bargaining unit for the workers at MMA and this is because the workers recognise the strength and the ability of the Union”, she stated.
Additionally, Gardener pointed out that the Collective Labour Agreements (CLA) which usually regulates the terms and conditions of employees at work, is yet to be signed. This, she added, will be done before the end of the year. The CLA includes the management of wages, benefits, and duties of the employees.
“After this, we’ll have with management, the collective agreement signed, we’ll work and done and have the signing of that. That should be finished before the end of the year because collectively, we’ll work on that.” Gardener noted.
Meanwhile, General Manager of the MMA-ADA, Aubrey Charles expressed satisfaction with the Union’s interest of the workers’ representation noting that it [the Union] is the means by which workers become more aware of their rights.
“Today we have closed another chapter in the journey as it relates to workers’ rights and what the Union stands for…. however, we appreciate that because it helps in development of workers and it has made workers more aware of their rights,” Charles said.
The signing of the MoA was conducted in the presence of Chief Labour Officer, Charles Ogle along with representatives of the two agreeing parties.