The Guyana Sport Shooting Federation/Archery Guyana recently hosted John Annel of the Barbados Archery Association (B.A.A.) in a short visit to Guyana; and this member athlete of the World Archery Barbados – past President of the B.A.A. and Level 2 Coach – was very happy to share his archery expertise with the members of Archery Guyana in order to help raise the standard of that sport in Guyana.
Welcomed by Archery Guyana’s Task Force Chairman Nicholas Hing and committee members at a Meeting at the Sleep-In Hotel, Annel presented the Club with an archery training DVD and tools to further the development of Archery Training programmes here in Guyana. He subsequently held two training sessions (one indoor session at the National Gymnasium and one outdoor session at the Carifesta Sports Complex Ground), where he assessed each member individually on various aspects of form or technique that he/she needed to improve upon, and was excited to try out the GSSF/Archery Guyana member-made pvc training bows, which he had never previously seen or used; and he was duly impressed by its performance.
The Federation wishes to thank Annel and its sister Caribbean association for the support it has received, and for helping Guyana develop this Olympic sport’s training and developmental programme.