Harmon appointed Director General of Ministry of the Presidency
Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on Tuesday announced that former Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has been appointed Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency.
Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon
The announcement was made during the Prime Minister’s address at the National Communications Network (NCN) Linden Complex at the Government outreach to the mining town.
Minister Harmon, a dual citizen, resigned as a minister and Member of Parliament (MP) effective April 25. He was replaced as an MP by Mervyn Williams. Vice President and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge; former Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin and former Minister of Public Service, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine also resigned as a result of being deemed dual citizens by Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George in a court ruling.
Gaskin and Dr Roopnaraine were replaced by Haimraj Rajkumar and Tabitha Saraboo-Halley respectively.
Prime Minister Nagamootoo was delivering the feature address at the hand-over ceremony of the NCN Linden assets to the Linden Broadcasting Network (LBN).
Director General Harmon attended the Cabinet meeting earlier in the day at the invitation of President David Granger where his new portfolio was formally announced to Cabinet.