The test of fitness enthusiasts’ patience may start to gradually ease as March 11 is now less than two weeks away for the highly anticipated fourth annual Kares Engineering Fitness Challenge which will be held at the National Park Tarmac.
Among the crowd attraction is the Celebrity Challenge and the stars that will be appearing this year have been revealed. Heading the list is Director of Sport Christopher Jones while Miss World Guyana Veena Mookram, Radio announcer/ Disc Jockey Akelo Elliot, Radio Announcer/ Television Presenter Macalea Cameron also known as The Remix Chic, Chief Executive of Pulse Entertainment Robbie Singh and Co-owner of Red Entertainment Saskia Wijngaarde have thrown their hats in the ring.
Miss World Guyana Veena Mookram
Scotiabank is the official sponsor for celebrity challenge segment and will be making what is understood to be a huge financial contribution to the Giving Hope Foundation and Help and Shelter.
Event Organiser Jordana Ramsay-Gonsalves told Guyana Times Sport on Tuesday that only 30 of their expected 36 athletes (24 male and 12 female) have been filled at the close of registration on February 22. She added they are still willing accept entries but it will come with a late fee to the standard $2,500.
The first segment of the day’s proceedings will be 100 Double Unders, 25 Deadlifts, 400m run, Females 185#, Males 275#.
Director of Sport Christopher Jones
Part two has 21 Toes to Bar, 50 wall balls 20lbs/14lbs, 13 Toes to Bar, 40 box jumps, 24 inch/20 inch, 8 Toes to Bar, 30 KB swings 55lbs/35lbs, 5 Toes to Bar, 20 Pull-ups, 3 Toes to Bar and 10 overhead squats 95lbs/65lbs.
In the third stage, the test will be of 24 Wall over Burpees, 100m Atlas Stone carry, 12 Wall over Burpees and 100m Atlas Stone carry.
Additionally, the movement requirements for the day will be Double unders, Overhead squat (65lbs/95lbs), Box jump 20/24, pull-ups, Toes to Bar, Kettlebell swings (35lbs/55lbs), Clean and Jerk, Wallballs (14lbs/20lbs), Rope Climbs, Thrusters, Deadlifts (185lbs/275lbs), Burpees and running. St Joseph Medical Team will be present again for the care of athletes.
CEO of Pulse Entertainment Robbie Singh
In 2017, it was a Cross Fit 592 sweep with marque athletes Dillon Mahadeo and Semonica Duke taking the individual titles while their gym won the team event.
The official launch is set for Thursday March 1 from 19:00h at the entertainment strip at the Giftland Mall, Pattensen.