Looking ahead …at elections

Your Eyewitness would be a real cad and a bounder if he didn’t feel some sympathy for the PNC. He hates kicking people when they’re down. And make no bones about it…the PNC are DOWN, budday!! But when it rains it pours, doesn’t it?? Here it is, Local Government Elections (LGE) are staring them in the face in two months or so – after they narrowly escaped the original March 13 date – and up comes VP Jagdeo, who brings up General Elections in 2025!! The man said it’s gonna be scheduled for November or December!! So there goes Xmas 2025 for the PNC!!
Point of the matter is: the PNC are so riven with schisms and factions they’ve become their own worst enemy!! Remember that movie “Kill Bill”?? With the PNC right now, it’s “Get Aubrey”!! One guy in London – who might’ve given the PNC a bob or two back in the day – even says he had a dream in which the ghost of Burnham instructed him to finish off the fella presently occupying his seat!! You don’t even need chicken entrails to interpret THAT dream!! This fella’s so confident others in the party feel the same way, he can come out in public as the messenger!!
But the thing is – Aubrey ain’t the problem!! The real problem is when the PNC held their internal elections and they selected the man they obviously thought that, with a lift of an eyebrow over that permanent scowl, and – voila!! – he would make the PPP disappear!! Sadly, that’s been an endemic problem in the PNC from the beginning. They don’t appreciate enough that politics in a democracy needs the same amount of planning that it took to conduct the Dunkirk landing – and the hot, sweaty bodies to hit the beach running!! Burnham had the same illusion, and he just took the quick and dirty route to effectively do away with elections by rigging them!!
The fundamental problem is the PNC base don’t want to accept that they need voters outside of their ethnic base to get to that 50%+ 1 it takes to win democratic elections. Rather than point out that Granger was a fool who nuked the one way they could do that – coalescing with a party that could garner enough Indian votes – apologise and begin anew, they’ve forced Aubrey into a hold me-loose me posture. To hold his base, he has to scowl; to attract outside votes, he tries to smile!! And looks clueless.
In the meantime, the PPP know their base is secure as they give the PNC’s constituency the full court press – better than LeBron!! Incumbency – with oil revenues flowing into the kitty – allows them to suck cane and blow whistle at the same time!!

…at Guyana 2025
So, what makes the PPP so confident?? Well…let’s count the ways!! By then, even if the bridge across the Demerara River ain’t complete, it’ll be so advanced that those 60,000 voters from Reg 3 will be so pleased they’ll place those Xs next to that cup!! And let’s not forget that Oil and Gas Power Plant and manufacturing plants at Wales. Jobs, baby, jobs!! Over in Berbice, there will be that Stadium, hotel and 21st century landscape to catapult the Ancient County into the future!! Rose Hall Estate will certainly be grinding by then!!
Meanwhile, hopping over to the Cinderella County, billions and billions are being spent to develop the agricultural base that has been their mainstay. And so, truth be told, the PPP don’t even really need the PNC’s base to switch. They already have the Amerindian vote so sewed up with all the funding for developing their hinterland communities that they look like the Cheshire Cat!! Any vote from the PNC’s base is just gravy!!

…at fringe parties
The cover’s been blown on the small parties – they’re really paper organizations. But that’s not gonna stop a few – like the AFC and the WPA – from contesting in ‘25. Their role is to badger the PPP and PNC respectively!!